Hi Power Serial Numbers
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High power serial numbers wwii, nazi fn browning high power date of manufacture, nazi hi power, nazi marked browning hi power, wwii hi power ss stamp, wwii nazi hi power. Click on a term to search for related topics. Thread Tools: Show Printable Version. Keygen guru. Email this Page. Display Modes. This model was built in 1969 and is a late example of the 'T' series of Hi Powers, designated simply by the first character of the serial number. By 1969, the C series was also in production and would have started with the digits 69C. Fabrique nationale serial numbers hi power fabrique-nationale-darmes-de-guerre-herstal-belgiuqe serial number 13565a Click on a term to search for related topics. Browning high power serial number lookup, browning high power serial numbers, fn hi power serial number dates, hi power serial numbers, look up serial number for browning pistol, pre wwii browning hi power manufacturing date, wwii hipower serial lookup. Click on a term to search for related topics.
German Hi Power Serial Numbers
Note the slightly extended bushing on this Hi Power. It is typical of the old classic fixed sight (Vigilant) Hi Power during the mid-70's (approximately, don't recall the exact year that changed)
However, on the same gun, the rear sight is U-shaped rather than the rectangular notch used on FN Hi Powers for several years. None of the fixed sight FN/Browning Hi Powers I owned from a '68 T-series on had the U-shaped rear sight. The fellow in S. Africa bought it as a 'used FN' but the seller admitted a year or two later that it was counterfeit, but claimed not to have known it at the time.
'cpw' is much more of a Hi Power historian than I am. He may be able to provide more information. I am not that 'up' on such matters.